Partner Portal

Difference Between a Finished and View Quote

You can view up to 12 months of quotes in Partner Portal. After signing in, you can find quotes by clicking on the Quotes tab at the top of the screen. 

On the Your Quotes page, you will see a list of all your quotes. There are two statuses your quote can be in; View Quote or Finish Quote. You can find your quote's status by looking at the status button to the right. We explain the difference between these two statuses below. 

View Quote Status

View Quote status is for completed quotes eligible to be converted into orders in the Quotes tab at the top of the screen. They can be ordered with or without receiving pricing from a Gemini team member, unlike Finish Quotes. 

Tip: You can see if either your View or Finish Quote status quotes have received a price by looking under the Total section at the right of the quote in the Quotes tab. You will either see a price or Pending depending on if you have received a price or not. 

When clicking the View Quote button, you can Edit Quote or Proceed To Order if your quote hasn’t already been ordered. You can choose to edit or order by clicking the respective buttons at the top of the screen to the right of the quote number.  

View or Finish Quote

Tip: You also can Delete Quote or Duplicate Quote both View and Finish Quote status quotes by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the respective buttons. To learn more about duplicating quotes, read our How to Duplicate a Quote article. 

Delete or Export Quote

Note: Custom quotes cannot be deleted.

Finish Quote Status

Finish Quote status refers to quotes that have not been completed. Incomplete quotes are quotes that were abandoned before clicking the red Save Quote button on the right side of the screen during the quoting process. You will be unable to Proceed to Order in the Quotes tab if you have not yet completed your quote. Once your quote has been completed it will change from Finish Quote to View Quote status. 

To move a quote to a View Quote status, click on the Finish Quote button at the right side of the quote you want to complete. Then, click the Edit Quote button to the right of the quote number. 

Edit Quote

From there, fill in the remaining required fields and click the Save Quote button on the right of the screen to move your quote to View Quote status.  

Save Quote

If you have any questions during quoting, you can connect with a team member by either clicking the black paper airplane side menu icon at the right of the screen or click the Start a New Message button in the Help & Support Panel. 

Note: If you are viewing the status of your quote after clicking either the View Quote or Finish Quote button, the Help and Support panel be available on the right side of the screen for your specific quote.


