
Where is TrueQuote?

We are constantly finding ways to help our partners to grow their business. In line with this, we are no longer naming Partner Portal generated quotes TrueQuotes, but you can still get instant quotes within Partner Portal, track your quotes and orders, and much more. We introduced key features to Partner Portal and enhanced existing features, like instant quoting. 

The Partner Portal dashboard provides a seamless path to get an instant quote. And, you don’t have to leave the dashboard to access our Gemini Product Guide. If you have a complex request or have a request outside of our standard specifications, you can use Partner Portal to share it with our customer experience team.

We also added a Help & Support panel, removing the need to manage multiple communication channels and having to re-share your project details. All messages and requests are stored within the panel for review and faster resolution.  

If you have any questions, you can now click the Start a New Message button with the black airplane icon on the Help & Support panel at the right of the screen to contact a Gemini team member in Partner Portal.     

