How to Download Gemini Standard Fonts

You can download and view Gemini standard fonts on your computer. By downloading our standard font files, you can use them to measure sizing for your designs in formed plastic and cast metal products. This can allow you to easily adjust kerning in any design app of your choice, letting you create designs to meet the unique needs of your customer. To start downloading standard Gemini fonts, simply follow the steps below. 

1. Log in to Partner Portal. 

2. In the Your Dashboard homepage, click on the Resource square at the middle, left of the screen. This will take you to the Gemini Resources page. 

Resources 2

3. Once on the Gemini Resources page, expand the Download Fonts drop-down by clicking on it. 

Download fonts 2

4. Next, you can expand the sections to view our Chank Fonts, Letter Fonts, and Plaque Fonts. Click the font sub-section you would like to expand. 

5. Once you have expanded your chosen sub-section, click on your desired font to download. 

Note: Clicking on any Chank Font will take you to the MyFonts page. You will need to pay the price shown.  Chank fonts outlined

6. Once you have downloaded your font, click on the download to open a note page where can view a sample use of the font. You can also choose to install the font to use on your computer. 

Note: For installing downloaded fonts to your computer, please reference either the Windows Guide or Mac OS Guide depending on your operating system inside the Download Fonts drop-down. 

If you have questions while trying to download a font, click the Start a New Message button, the black paper airplane icon, on the Help & Support panel at the right of the screen to contact a Gemini team member. 

Start a new message

