Partner Portal

How to Download a Quote PDF

You can create, view, and download quotes from the last 12 months onto your devices at any time. Download any quote you have created with us by following these simple steps. 

Note: You will be unable to download quotes that are in Finish Quote status as they must be completed before downloading.

1. Log in to Partner Portal

2. Click on the Quotes tab at the top of the screen.

Start Quote

Note: For help navigating to quotes and orders via the Help and Support panel, click here.

3. Select the quote you would like to download by clicking the View Quote button at the right side of your selected quote. 

View Quote outlined

Tip: You can enter your Quote ID or Job Name in the search bar at the top right to pull up your quote faster.3. Tip (Searching Quotes)-1

Note: Users have the ability to view and download any quotes made within the company account.

4. At the top right of the screen, above the red Proceed to Order button, click the red Download PDF link to download a PDF file of your quote. Download PDF

5. You will be prompted to download PDF with Price or PDF without Price. Choose which option you would like to proceed with to have your file downloaded automatically. 

Download with price
If you have any questions while trying to download a PDF of a quote, click the Start a New Message, the black paper airplane icon, on the Help & Support panel at the right of the screen to contact a Gemini team member. 

Note: The Help & Support panel will automatically open when you select your specific quote. Simply fill in the text line and click the red paper airplane icon to the right to send your message. 

