Precision Tooled Plaques

Font Heights for Recessed Precision Tooled Plaques

This article provides font heights for recessed precision tooled plaques. If the requested font is not listed, please find a similar font to gauge minimum size requirements. Our team is available to answer any questions.


Font Upper/lowercase letter size All capital letter sizing
Arial 0.22 in 0.17 in
arial bold 0.17 in 0.14 in
bookman oldstyle 0.26 in 0.26 in
brush script 0.29 in 0.29 in
calibri 0.18 in 0.16 in
century schoolbook 0.35 in 0.34 in
copperplate n/a 0.37 in
garamond 0.63 in 0.54 in
goudy style-1 0.6 in 0.49 in
helvetica 0.22 in 0.14 in
helvetica bold 0.16 in 0.14 in
lucida 0.56 in 0.48 in
myriad 0.24 in 0.18 in
optima 0.41 in 0.29 in
times new roman 0.5 in 0.43 in


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